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关于购物英语对话短文篇1 A:How about we go to the flea market today?我们今天去跳蚤市场怎么样?J:Great. I h***e long been looking forward to there.太好了,我盼望去那里很久了。A:Me, too. There are so many cheap but nice things.我也是,那里有很多物美价廉的东西。

买东西英语对话作文一 A:Would you show me some table-cloths?给我看看桌布,好吗?B:Certainly. Take a table-cloth to her 当然。拿一张桌布给她 A:How much is it?多少钱?B:A table-cloth of this size and style is 15 Yuan.这种大小和款式的桌布是15元。



有关买衣服英语对话一 A:Can I help You?我能帮你什么吗?B:Thank you, but Im just looking around. How much does this skirt cost?谢谢,我只是随便看看。嗯这条裙子卖多少钱?A:This is the new style.Two hundred and twenty-eight.这是新款,是228元。

小学英语买东西对话1 Lily:I want to buy some books at Books Plaza.我想去图书大厦买几本书。John:Thats too much trouble. You can buy them on the internet and theyll be cheaper.不用那么麻烦,在网上买就好了,还便宜。





A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aB:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。\x0d\x0aA:Wait a few minutes and Ill go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。


以下是购物用语 希望对你有帮助 注:超市与顾客接触最多的部门可能是收银、客服、商品部。根据这几个部门分别准备的几句常用英语情景对话。


A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aB:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。\x0d\x0aA:Wait a few minutes and Ill go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。

英语情景对话试题多为日常交际中的口语,具有强烈的感***彩和灵活、多变、简练等特点。我整理了关于和朋友去购物英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于和朋友去购物英语对话一 john:hello, i want to buy a newspaper. which one do you recommend?您好,买报纸。

How much is it? 多少钱 Do you do discount at all?你们打折么?May i h***e a bag?我可以要一个袋子么?Are the bags chareable? 袋子要付钱么?How much are the bags?袋子多少钱一个?Thank you!谢谢!Do you need a bag?你要袋子么?Yes, please。要的。No, thanks。

A: Could you tell me how much it is?(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.(500美元左右。)A: That’s way too much money.(价格太贵了。)B: We can make dow by model.(我们可以根据型号给予优惠。

店员:what can i do for you?顾客:Id like to buy a piece of shirts 店员:this way please,what color would you like?顾客:red or blue。店员:what size do you want?客户:i usually wear a size 42 店员:ok,you can try on the blue one。客户:it fits me very well。

Grace: 罗斯、露西早上好。今天是星期天,我们去购物吧。Rose:当然好。那你呢,露西?Lucy:嗯,好吧。Grace:太好了。那么去xxx购物广场好吗?Rose:我同意。Lcuy:我也没意见。Grace:你们想要买什么?Rose:我想买一个新的包包,我的包包坏了。Lucy:我想买一双鞋。

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