B: No, we ran out of cookies. Ill go get some more in the supermarket.没有了。我会去超市买一些。
超市购物常用的 句子 :May I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?Where are the shopping baskets? 购物篮在哪里?I need a shopping cart. 我需要一辆购物车。It is at the entrance. 就在入口处。
- go to shop 更常用于描述具体的购物目标,可以用于日常生活、旅行或特定的购物需求。- go shopping 则更常用于泛指购物活动,适用于各种购物环境,如商场、超市、街头等。
购物的英语口语话题介绍 A:Lucy, where are you going?露西,你去哪儿?B:I want to go to the supermarket.我想去超级市场。A:Wait a few minutes and Ill go there with you.请等一下,我和你一道去。
1、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aB:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。
2、关于购物英语对话短文篇1 A:How about we go to the flea market today?我们今天去跳蚤市场怎么样?J:Great. I h***e long been looking forward to there.太好了,我盼望去那里很久了。
3、A:Lucy, where are you going? 露西,你去哪儿?B:I want to go to the supermarket. 我想去超级市场。A:Wait a few minutes and Ill go there with you. 请等一下,我和你一道去。
4、有关购物英语情景剧对话1 John:Do you like to shop online?你喜欢在网上购物吗?Lily:Yeah. Its really convenient to shop from home. It also s***es time.喜欢。
5、英语口语日常用语购物篇(一)我们去(商店)逛逛吧!Lets go window-shopping.Im flat broke. (我身无分文。)Lets go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说,我们去逛逛吧。
6、关于和朋友去购物英语对话一 john:hello, i want to buy a newspaper. which one do you recommend?您好,买报纸。
酒店前台必备英语口语如下:Welcome to our hotel. - 欢迎来到我们的酒店。
1、shopping mall 购物中心 there is a big shopping mall near my house called sunny super marketthere are 4 floors and a lot of branch stores 我家附近有一个大型购物中心,叫sunny super市场。
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